Cholera and AWD outbreak bulletin in Eastern and Southern Africa, as of 18 February 2018, 3 Issue
Regional Update for 2018 - as of 18 February 2018
More than 5,796 cholera / AWD cases and 74 deaths (Case Fatality Rate: 1.3%) have been reported in9 of 21 countries of Eastern and Southern Africa Region (ESAR) since the beginning of 2018. These countries include; Angola, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Somalia, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Currently, of the countries reporting, 7 out of the 21 countries in ESAR reported active transmission of cholera / AWD (Kenya, Tanzania, Angola, Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Zambia). Tanzania reported the highest number of new cases (278) followed by Zambia (125), Kenya (79 cases) and Mozambique (70 cases). Of the 7 countries, Zimbabwe recorded the highest CFR at 3.7% in 2018, followed closely by Tanzania (2%) and Angola (1.7%).
Kenya: A decline in the epidemic trend. During week 7 (week ending 18 February 2018), 79 new cases were reported compared to 115 cases reported in week 6 (week ending 11 February 2018). New cases emerged from 5 Counties, namely Garissa (47), Turkana (12), West pokot (13), Meru (5) and Tharaka Nithi (2). Cumulatively a total of 5,614 cases including 107 deaths have been reported, as from October 2016. Of these, a total of 1,315 cases and 18 deaths have been reported since the beginning of 2018.
Tanzania: An increase in the epidemic trend. During week 6, 278 new cases including 3 deaths (CFR: 1.1%) were reported compared to 151 cases including 3 deaths (CFR: 2%) reported in week 5 (week ending 4 February 2018). These new cases are concentrated in 4 regions, namely Dodoma (137 cases and 2 deaths), Iringa (39 cases and 1 death), Rukwa (33) and Ruvuma (69). Cumulatively a total of 29,366 cases including 481 deaths have been reported in Tanzania mainland, as from August 2015. Of these, a total of 735 cases and 15 deaths have been reported since the beginning of 2018.
Angola: A decline in the epidemic trend. During week 5, 42 new cases were reported; compared to 79 cases including 2 deaths (CFR: 2.5%) reported in week 4 (week ending 28 January 2018). These cases are concentrated in Uige district. Cumulatively a total of 610 cases including 11 deaths have been reported, as from 15 December 2017. Of these, a total of 461 cases and 8 deaths have been reported since the beginning of 2018.
Malawi: An increase in the epidemic trend. During week 5, a total of 67 new cases including 1 death (CFR: 1.5) were reported, compared to 30 cases reported in week 4. The new cases reported during the week came from five districts, namely Karonga (26), Lilongwe (26 and 1 death), Salima (4), Nsanje (6), and Likoma (5). Since the beginning of 2018, cumulative cases reported are 381 cases with 5 deaths.
Mozambique: An increase in the epidemic trend. 70 new cases were reported in week 6 compared to 36 cases in week 5. These new cases emerged from Nampula city (12) in Nampula province, and Cabo Delgado (58). Cumulatively a total of 1,508 cases and 1 death have been reported, as from August 2017. Of these, a total of 279 cases have been reported since the beginning of 2018.
Zimbabwe: A decline in the epidemic trend. During week 6, 8 new cases were reported; compared to 13 cases reported in week 5. These cases are concentrated in Chegutu town, 100 km west of the capital Harare. Cumulatively a total of 107 cases and 4 deaths have been reported since the outbreak started on 8th of January 2018.
Zambia: During week 6, 125 new cases including 3 deaths (CFR:2.4%) were reported in the country compared to 169 cases including 1 death (CFR: 1.2%) reported in week 5. The new cases reported during the week emerged from 2 provinces, namely Lusaka (120 cases and 3 deaths) and Central (5 cases). Cumulatively a total of 3,929 cases including 82 deaths have been reported, as from October 2017. Of these, a total of 2,078 cases and 23 deaths have been reported since the beginning of 2018.