Cholera and AWD outbreak bulletin in Eastern and Southern Africa, as of 18 January 2018, 1 Issue
Regional Update for 2018 - as of 18 January 2018
More than 2,009 cholera / AWD cases and 22 deaths (Case Fatality Rate: 1.1%) have been reported in 7 of 21 countries of Eastern and Southern Africa Region (ESAR) since the beginning of 2018. These countries include; Angola, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Somalia, Tanzania and Zambia. The most affected countries since the beginning of this year are Zambia with 57.7% of the total case load, followed by Kenya 14.9% and Angola at 13.2%. Of the 7 countries with active transmission this year, Tanzania has recorded the highest CFR at 3.1%, followed by Angola at 2.2%.
Zambia: During week 2 (week ending 14 January 2018), 547 new cases including 10 deaths (CFR:1.8%) were reported in the country compared to 613 cases reported in week 1 (week ending 7 January 2018). The new cases reported during the week emerged from 23 districts located in 7 provinces, namely Lusaka (500), Central (18), Southern (17), Copperbelt (5), Eastern (3), Western (3) and North Western (1).
Angola: A new outbreak was identified in Epidemiological week 51 of 2017 in Uige district, where two suspected cholera cases with travel history from Kimpangu in DRC were reported. During week 2 of 2018, 124 new cases including 1 death (CFR: 0.8%) were reported; compared to 147 cases including 5 death (CFR: 3.4%) reported in week 1. These cases are concentrated in Uige district. Cumulatively a total of 443 cases including 9 deaths have been reported, as from 15 December 2017.
Kenya: An increase in the epidemic trend. During week 2, 199 new cases were reported compared to 101 cases including 1 death reported in week 1. New cases emerged from 5 Counties, namely Tharaka Nithi (157), Garissa (27), Siaya (7), Mombasa (5) and Kirinyaga (3). Tanzania: During week 1, 127 new cases including 4 deaths (CFR: 3.1%) were reported. These new cases are concentrated in 6 regions, namely Rukwa (48), Kigoma (22), Songwe (20), Ruvuma (18 cases and 1 death), Dodoma (10 cases and 3 deaths) and Manyara (9).
Somalia: During week 1, 90 new cases including 1 death (CFR: 1.1%) were reported. These new cases emerged from Banadir (46 cases and 1 death) and Hiran (44) regions.
Malawi: During week 1 (week ending 7 January 2018), a total of 58 new suspected cholera cases (with no deaths) were reported, compared to 59 cases reported in week 52 (week ending 31 December 2017). The new cases reported during the week came from four districts, namely Karonga (33), Lilongwe (18), Salima (5), and Nkhatabay (2).
Mozambique: 3 new cases were reported in week 1. These new cases emerged from Memba, Erati and Nacarroa districts, and Nampula city in Nampula province.