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Cholera and AWD outbreak bulletin in Eastern and Southern Africa, as of 2 February 2018, 2 Issue

Regional Update for 2018 - as of 2 February 2018




More than 4,057 cholera / AWD cases and 51 deaths (Case Fatality Rate: 1.3%) have been reported in 11 of 21 countries of Eastern and Southern Africa Region (ESAR) since the beginning of 2018. These countries include; Angola, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, Somalia, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Of the countries reporting this year, Zambia accounts for 44% of the total case load followed by Kenya at 20%, Angola at 10%, Somalia at 8.2% and Tanzania at 8 %. Five of the ten countries have recorded highest Case Fatality Rate above 1% and they include; Zimbabwe at 4.7%, Tanzania at 2.8%, Angola at 2%, Kenya 1.2% and Zambia at 1.1%.

Zambia: A decline in the epidemic trend. During week 4 (week ending 28 January 2018), 197 new cases including 2 deaths (CFR:1%) were reported in the country compared to 338 cases including 4 deaths (CFR: 1.2%) reported in week 3 (week ending 21 January 2018). The new cases reported during the week emerged from 12 districts located in 6 provinces, namely Lusaka (179 cases and 1 death), Central (9), Southern (2), Copperbelt (1), Eastern (5) and North Western (1). Cumulatively atotal of 3,635 cases including 78 deaths have been reported, as from October 2017.

Angola: During week 4 of 2018, 81 new cases including 2 deaths (CFR: 2.5%) were reported; compared to 55 cases reported in week 3. These cases are concentrated in Uige district. Cumulatively a total of 579 cases including 11 deaths have been reported, as from 15 December 2017.

Kenya: A decline in the epidemic trend. During week 5 (week ending 4 February 2018), 66 new cases were reported compared to 73 cases including 1 death (CFR: 1.4%) reported in week 4. New cases emerged from 5 Counties, namely Tharaka Nithi (26), Busia (16), Meru (14), Garissa (6) and Siaya (4). Cumulatively a total of 5,116 cases including 99 deaths have been reported, as from October 2016.

Tanzania: During week 4, 83 new cases including 4 deaths (CFR: 4.8%) were reported compared to 66 cases reported in week 3. These new cases are concentrated in 4 regions, namely Dodoma (53 cases and 4 deaths), Rukwa (19), Songwe (9) and Ruvuma (2). Cumulatively a total of 28,937 cases including 475 deaths have been reported in Tanzania mainland, as from August 2015.

Somalia: A decline in the epidemic trend. During week 4, 66 new cases were reported compared to 93 cases reported in week 3. These new cases emerged from Banadir (49) and Hiraan (17) regions. Cumulatively a total of 95,028 cases including 1,668 deaths have been reported, as from March 2016.

Zimbabwe: Experiencing a new cholera outbreak. The index case was an 80-year-old female who succumbed to the disease at home on the 8th of January, 2018. Since then, a total of 85 cases including 4 deaths (CFR: 4.7%) have been reported. These cases and deaths are concentrated in Chegutu town, 100 km west of the capital Harare.

Malawi: During week 3, a total of 23 new cases were reported, compared to 47cases reported in week 2 (week ending 14 January 2018). The new cases reported during the week came from three districts, namely Karonga (9), Lilongwe (12) and Nkhatabay (2).Cumulatively a total of 426 cases including 4 deaths have been reported, as from March 2017.

Mozambique: 60 new cases were reported in week 4 compared to 52 cases in week 3. These new cases emerged from Nampula city (9) in Nampula province, and Cabo Delgado (51). Cumulatively a total of 1,402 cases and 1 death have been reported, as from August 2017.

Uganda: A confirmed Cholera case from Ntoroko district. The index case was a 19yr old male from Kanara sub-county on the shores of Lake Albert neigbouring the Democratic Republic of Congo. Hereported at Rwangala Health Centre on 27th January 2018.

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